Wednesday, August 29, 2012

With hard work comes results.

So I hit the gym again this morning at 4:15 AM. I'm wanting to do different workouts every day so I don't get bored doing just one routine over and over. Today I mastered the elliptical for about 40 minutes burning around 400 calories! Afterwards I did some weights and inclined crunches. Man it feels so good to accomplish even the smallest things at the gym. Cause everything I do, I know its taking me a step closer to my goal. Last night I had a chocolate chip cookie, and not just ANY chocolate chip cookie. A McAlister's Deli coookie. Those are some monster sized cookies with about 300 cals!! I know! Shoot me! I felt so guilty afterwards that I decided to go for a walk/run. I guess that's the good thing: I may cheat, but I find a way to get my ass in gear 2 minutes later when I decide it was a bad idea.
In other news: Our fridge completely gave up on us this week so we are waiting for payday (Friday) to go get a new one. Seems like when its not one thing its another. We were supposed to put in some plumbing for a restroom  we are building but that's just gonna have to wait till next payday. Just another day in paradise.
Well girls, that's it for now. Thanks for reading.

Oh, here's a pic I took of myself yesterday, and I'm finally starting to see some results. Yay!

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