<a href="http://thestanfieldclan.com/"><img src=" http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z468/suit1/new%201/weddinglink_zps6d0abc4e.jpg" alt="button" width="300" height="225" /></a>
Linking up with Melanie & Holly today to go over my Wedding Day deets.
Let me set the stage. I was 17 and stupid. Do I regret it? No because we are still together and very much in love after almost 6 years. Do I think we could have waited. Sure. At that moment though, waiting another minute to get married was absolutely unnecessary. We knew exactly what we wanted, dammit!
Hispanic culture (or at least my family) sees getting married at a young age as normal behavior. It's typical to be invited to a relative's wedding just months after her quinceaƱera. Keep in mind most of the decisions for decor, food, etc., were made by little old 17 year old, naive me. Looking back if I could describe my wedding day in one phrase: Ghetto Fabulous
Bouquet toss: As if we weren't already encouraging marriage before puberty, lets get the kids involved in the bouquet toss. And lets not forget the altercation between two married women as to who touched the bouquet first.
Alcohol: What could be more classy than underage drinking and wedding theme colored Boone's Farm all captured in the same picture?
in the history of ever. He wanted tounge, I wanted a peck. Lack of planning and practice.
Nonetheless, almost 6 years strong. However, David Tutera, if you are reading this, I would like a wedding do over.
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