Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why I'm In A Plateau

So, as many of you have heard me bitch, I am in a plateau. First of all, what is a plateau? Its when you are stuck at a certain weight during your weight loss journey. Second of all, I've been stuck between 172-177 for, oh I don't know, the past 5- 6 months. It's so frustrating because my body has grown accustomed to the workouts that were once so hard to achieve.
In these past few months, I have also become a little more lenient with my journey. I used to be so strict on myself every single day. Now, I still beat myself up over food choices and workouts... but only during the weekdays. That means the WEEKENDS are the culprits for the damage done.
Okay, so maybe not the weekends themselves, but my willpower on those days. I make up excuses like "I deserve to rest on the weekends because I work so hard during the week." With that mindset I indulge in BBQs, booze, and anything unhealthy I can get my hands on. to top it all off, I don't workout al all on Saturdays and Sundays.
So I ask myself why I keep crying over the fact that I'm in a plateau, if I know exactly why Im stuck where I am. I have to change my mindset and treat the weekends as any other weekday. These are some steps I've been taking this month to stay focused.
The biggest step is meal prepping.
Its unknown territory for me but I've been doing it for the past couple of weeks and it feels good to have all my meals prepped for the week. Also, there is no excuse to go grab something "fast" to eat over the weekends. Prepped meals are as fast as you can get. Just stick in the microwave for a couple of minutes, and ta-da, fast and healthy meal straight from your own kitchen. I've only been prepping for Monday-Friday, but this week I'm taking it up a notch and prepping for the ENTIRE week. Even if it means having to use someone's microwave and pass up on the mouthwatering crappy foods.
Next: Staying hydrated. I've increased my water intake this month also. I t helps keep me full and alert. I've also added Spark into the mix. An awesome friend hooked me up with free products just for referring some people to her. I've never tried Advocare (except for the Spark Energy Drink), but I have seen some amazing results from so many people. If you need a distributor, let me know and I can give her your information!
Also, I had been on Herbablife for a while maybe about 4 months ago. It really helped me stay in check with maintaining my weight. So this month, I'm back on it. One meal replacement shake a day is all I need. Now, I know the plan says to replace two meals a day for successful weightloss, but personally, I feel like I'm missing out on too many nutrients when I do two a day, so I'm sticking to one shake.

Lastly, I am increasing my weight lifting sessions. They say muscle burns more calories, so I am determined to build more muscle.
Hoping I can break my plateau with these little steps Im taking this month. I'll check in next moth around this time for an update. I would really love to break into the 160s... but we will see.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Do You Want It Bad Enough?

A year and a half ago I would have never believed I would come this far. I wouldn't have believed that I could lose 55 lbs. on my own without help from a personal trainer, a magic diet pill, or a famous wrap. Sometimes, it's even hard to believe now that it's been said and done.
Galleria Mall Dallas, Tx. April 2011

April 2011
Being overweight, you never realize how much you can improve your life if you just stop making excuses and put in the work. The beginning is the hardest part, yet its the most essential step for weight loss. I mean, you have to start somewhere, right? I've said it before, and I will say it again: To be successful in this journey, you have to be ready to commit yourself 100%. You really have to want it for yourself because we are our only true motivators. Other people can nag you for so long, but if you're not ready to make the change for yourself, it's never going to happen. You have to be the one to put your foot down and be ready for change.

March 2012
April 2012
April 2012
First week doing Zumba March 2012
Fitness is a destination, but in the process, this journey has given me more than just a smaller pant size. I t's boosted my confidence, it's taught me discipline and patience, and above all, it's made me a happier person. I love life. I love waking up in the morning and looking forward to a good sweat. I love how my husband feels the need to hold me closer to him when we go out in public. I love not having to go to the plus size section at Target to find a decent outfit for a special occasion. I love it all. It was not always this way and for the last couple of years before I began my journey, I was drowning in a state of depression. I never let anyone see it, because I didn't want help. I just wasn't ready to commit. But behind closed doors I hated myself. I envied girls who were thinner than me. I hated going out with my husband because I just didn't feel comfortable being by him. He has always been thin and slender and being next to him just made me feel worse about my weight. I suffered alone because I knew if I seeked help, I would have to hear the cold, hard truth: GET UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. And I didn't want to. I would blame genetics, I would blame the pregnancy, I would blame anything but myself. It wasn't until I accepted the reality, that I knew it was time. It was time for me to turn my life around and start TODAY. Not Monday, not New Years' not next week.

Aug 2012

At the beginning of my journey, March 2012, I was too embarrassed to go to the gym so I opted for Zumba at-home workouts. A friend of mine had the newest version of the Zumba DVDs and had fallen off the wagon and sold them to me for cheap. For a whole month I would do Zumba every day in the comfort of my home. I remember being so fatigued only about 5-10 minutes in and having to pause the video to take a break. As I sat there I wondered if I would ever be able to get through the whole workout without having to stop for water. By the end of the month I could do just that and I lost my initial 10 lbs. I was feeling good. At that point I knew I was ready to Zumba with the ladies at the gym. Things took a turn in the wrong direction when the unexpected happened. My son was NOT loving the daycare at the gym and would cry every single time I tried to drop him off. Understandable. Since I stopped working we were inseparable. It was no surprise he would have to be eased into the whole thing. I told myself I would wait until he was ready. But nothing was going to stop this desire to succeed of mine. No sir. I started hitting the gym at 4 AM. This was a couple of hours before the hubby had to go in to work. So by the time he was ready to go, I was already back and able to fix his breakfast and pack his lunch for the day. I was on a roll. By the second month I had lost 15 lbs. total. Then vacation happened. We went to San Antonio for 5 days and that's all it took for me to gain 10 of the pounds lost. I was so disappointed and angry with myself. How could I have let it happen? I was angry about the fact that it took me two months to lose weight and in one week just like that I gained it almost all back. It just wasn't fair. I knew what I had done in order to gain the weight during vacation. No workouts and I ate chips and salsa and had Margaritas every day. It was depressing but I was determined to get back on track. Once we were back, my 4 AM gym sessions continued, I began Google-ing meal plans and effective workouts, I got into calorie counting, and found inspiration in fitness blogs, especially Mama Laughlin's.I continued losing the weight and things were definitely looking up. I was able to talk my son into staying at the daycare while Mommy worked out (now he loves it!). Then I discovered Instagram. Instagram has been a very helpful tool in this journey because there is always so many people showing support and sharing their success stories. I began to document my weight loss there, and is where I continue to go for support. Also, I find so many people looking to me for support or calling me their "inspiration". Who would've thunk it? Who would have thought that I could impact so many lives and have people ask ME for help. The girl who had no clue what a 5K was, how broccoli tasted, or how many calories a day I was consuming before I started my journey (around 2500). That girl is now part of a fitness community that she loves and thanks God every day that she is able to touch so many people's lives on the daily with inspirational quotes and transformation pictures. ME.
March 2013

July 2013

Aug 2013

That's not to say I don't fall off the wagon, skip a workout here and there, have a cheat meal or cheat DAY at times, but I'm conscious of all my actions and get back on track the moment I get a chance. Lifestyle changes require slip ups here and there because no one is perfect, but I know that as long as I keep trying I WILL NOT FAIL.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fun Fitness Facts

Need a little boost?
Want to fill your brain with awesome knowledge?
Need something interesting to read while sitting at your desk at work?
Want to know approximately how many calories you can burn by doing day to day things?
Of course you do!
I Googled 10 random facts that'll make you think....

Fact #1: Scientists estimate that laughing 100 times is equivalent to a 10-minute workout on a rowing machine.
Go rent a funny movie off Redbox on your way home from work today and don't be afraid to laugh out loud!

Fact #2: Kissing Burns 2 Calories Per Minute.
A two minute kissing session can only lead to the next fact.

Fact #3: Sex burns about 360 calories per hour.
Come on ladies! We all knew this one was coming. Ain't nothing wrong with having a little sexy time with your partner, especially if it involves burning those calories!

Fact #4Dieters who sleep more take off more fat that those who sleep less.
More sleep= Less fat. Excuse me while I go overdose on some Nyquil.

Fact #5: Fidgeting can burn about 350 calories a day.
Now I don't totally hate my Restless Leg Syndrome.

Fact #6: Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie!
Hmmmm... you may want to reconsider your day job at the post office.

Fact #7: A person will burn 7 percent more calories if they walk on hard dirt compared to pavement.
Consider trail running or taking a hike as opposed to running on the sidewalk.

Fact #8: Gardening is said to be one of the best exercises for maintaining healthy bones.
Maybe it's about time I pull out the weeds in my backyard that have been on my to-do list since the beginning of summer.

Fact #9: Building a sandcastle burns 100 calories an hour.
For those of you who live near the beach, instead of just soaking up the sun, how about burn some calories while you're out there. As for me... I may just have to take a road trip to the nearest beach and make sure I burn those calories off. Or I could just go to Home Depot and buy a few sacks of sand and build my own sand lot....Nah.

Fact # 10: 16 minutes of mowing the lawn can burn up to 102 calories!
Get your hubby into the fitness craze (and into mowing the lawn) by hinting on this fitness fact!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mother of the Year

Being a Stay-at-home mom has really gotten to me lately. Not that I don't love spending every waking minute with my toddler, I just feel I can be doing more productive things with my life, like getting a job, and feeling more content with myself. I'm to the point where I love my son dearly, but I need to find him a good school so he can get his learn on and Momma can catch a break. Is it so wrong that I need time to myself?? As I type this, I feel guilty about the fact that I'd rather be working than tending to my motherly and wifely duties, so today's post is me ranting and boasting about me falling off the wagon lately. Hopefully some of you can relate. If not just go ahead and crown me Worst Mother of the Year.

I can't seem to keep Adryan out of trouble any more. He has suddenly become obsessed with ropes and ties. The other day, while I was folding laundry, he tied my shoelaces from both my shoes together into all sorts of knots and ties. took me like 20 minutes to undo them! That's not all. he will take the shoelaces off some of my shoes and tie them around stuff like cabinet door knobs, his toys, and sometimes I even have to help him untie his wrist from his ankle. Sigh. I may just be dealing with a future Christian Grey ladies, so keep your daughters locked up.
It seems like he is going through a massive growth spurt because that child is hungry 24/7. He will eat all day if I allow it, which I usually do because if I don't, I feel I'm making him go hungry or depriving him from a basic need. So I basically live in the kitchen tending to his every growing pain.
My husband definitely gets it easier. He works all day and comes home to a more calm setting. I'm the one who deals with the hectic chaos all day, all week. On top of caring for a three year old, I still tend to the house cleaning, the cooking, and somehow manage to fit in my one hour gym sessions and take a shower. Sometimes there is no shower until right before I go to bed.
Ive planned lunch on four different occasions lately, and I've only managed to actually go to lunch one out of those four times. My mind is usually filled with other crap I have to remember, that I forget to tend to little things like a nice lunch out with a friend.


With that being said, I love my munchkin and I do admit he is growing up way too fast. Surely once we get a schedule going, our days wont be so hectic.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Back to Reality

After having an amazing time on vacation, it's finally time to get back into the groove of things. Although before we left for vacation, I was already getting off track with my eating right and exercise regime.

Lately,  I haven't been doing anything to help me lose these last 20-30 pounds except maybe hit the gym once or twice a week. That's not helping me get to my goal one bit. I have to kick my own ass into gear cause nobody helped me lose 55 lbs, and no one sure as hell will try to stop me from gaining them back. I know that for the past month or so I have been doing a lot of talking about getting back into it. I'm not gonna lie... it's been hard. This is what I was afraid of. Once you take a short break, it's twice as hard to get back into it. Today though, I'm working on making it my routine again. Here's some of the stuff I want to commit myself to:

• Start counting calories again. (I use MyFitnessPal app for that)
• Work out at least 3 times a week. (I was working out 4 to 6 times a week when I was taking it seeiously)
• Eat healthier foods.
• Track my progress.

It's not to say that I won't have a slice of pizza or some Margaritas here and there. It has never been about being perfect and not messing up because I am only human and I accept the fact that I will fail. Sometimes willingly.  It's about hustling. Sucess and failure.  And failing cause I succeeded. But I will say that I will give it my all. Sure, I'll let Fat Claudia visit every now and then. That's why it's worked so far for me. Because I don't deprive myself fron what I want. If a burger and fries makes me happy at the time, you're damn straight I'm gonna get me a burger and fries. Even if it means calling some of my body parts "Tina the Talking Tummy" or "Backfat Betty" for the next few hours.

For now though, I'm very ready to get back to working out and making better food choices for myself. And between my readers and I, I miss posting pics at the gym and tagging with ridiculous hashtags (#gymflow, #gettingmysexyback). That being said, if you don't already follow my Instagram, the username is @sweatpants2skinnyjeans. Follow that shit.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Favorite Vacation Link Up

<a href="http://www.thestanfieldclan.com/"><img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd296/AmyRS81/VacationsDreamingLink-UpButton_zps86f0644e.jpg" alt="button" width="250" height="250" /></a>

Today's link up  with Holly couldn't have come at a better time! I just got back from the best vacation I have ever experienced.

Cancun, Mx.

Think white sandy beaches, beautiful blue waters, all inclusive resort, perfect tans, room service, fun activities and anything you can think of that makes an awesome vacation....that was pretty much my perfect getaway. My brother's wedding at the resort was definitely a  plus. It was a gorgeous ceremony and the views were absolutely breathtaking. Though I cant comment too much on the reception because by eight, I had to be rolled away in a wheelchair because of my lack of judgement on alcoholic consumption.

We stayed at the Gran Caribe Real resort.
The remainder of the days there were filled with  relaxation, excavations, parasailing, fine dining, drinking and dancing. The entire staff at the resort was very nice and helpful.

I'll let the pictures do the talking, though some don't do the scenery justice.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wedding Details Link Up

<a href="http://thestanfieldclan.com/"><img src=" http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z468/suit1/new%201/weddinglink_zps6d0abc4e.jpg" alt="button" width="300" height="225" /></a>

Linking up with Melanie & Holly today to go over my Wedding Day deets.

Let me set the stage. I was 17 and stupid. Do I regret it? No because we are still together and very much in love after almost 6 years. Do I think we could have waited. Sure. At that moment though, waiting another minute to get married was absolutely unnecessary. We knew exactly what we wanted, dammit! 
Hispanic culture (or at least my family) sees getting married at a young age as normal behavior. It's typical to be invited to a relative's wedding just months after her quinceaƱera. Keep in mind most of the decisions for decor, food, etc., were made by little old 17 year old,  naive me. Looking back if I could describe my wedding day in one phrase: Ghetto Fabulous

Theme color:
Nothing shouts "Mexican Fiesta" than a loud color scheme. Turquoise and white.
Bouquet toss: As if we weren't already encouraging marriage before puberty, lets get the kids involved in the bouquet toss. And lets not forget the altercation between two married women as to who touched the bouquet first.

Alcohol: What could be more classy than underage drinking and wedding theme colored Boone's Farm all captured in the same picture?

The kiss: the most awkward wedding kiss
in the history of ever. He wanted tounge, I wanted a peck. Lack of planning and practice.

Nonetheless, almost 6 years strong. However, David Tutera, if you are reading this, I would like a wedding do over. 

Baby Talk, Weight Gain and Vacation

With Adryan being three years old, people are starting to ask me if and when I'll be popping another one out. I also get a lot of people ask me if I'm afraid of gaining all the weight I've lost recently if I were to get pregnant again.

The answer to the first question:
I'm not planning on having another baby anytime soon because I feel I have my hands full with Adryan. As of now, all the attention I could possibly give a child is going towards my son and I don't think I really want to change that FOR NOW. Does that mean I won't change my mind here in the next few months?  Absolutely not! My husband and I are very spontaneous. We could decide one thing today and do the complete opposite tomorrow.  As I'm writing this post though,  no plans for Baby numero dos. One reason why I've waited so long to make up my mind is because our house is currently under construction (It has been for the last 3 years), and we only have one bedroom for now. Which means Adryan has been sleeping with us since birth and I just can't imagine adding another kid into the mix just yet. 

The answer to the second question:

I am by no means afraid of a little weight gain during pregnancy. I guess it's because I have learned how to properly maintain and lose weight. If I've lost 50 plus pounds on my own, surely I can handle some post pregnancy weight. I can still do some light exercise during pregnancy, which I plan on doing if/when the time comes. Besides, I would be selfish and vain if pregnancy weight gain was reason enough to shut down the baby factory for good. I guess it all just boils down to the right timing, or just me simply forgetting to take my birth control pills.
On to vacation talk. 

I took my brother and my very soon to be sister in law to the airport this morning. They have to leave a couple of days earlier than us to meet up with the wedding planner and make sure everything is ready for their big day on Saturday. Also, their bachelor/bachelorette parties are tomorrow night. We won't be able to attend cause of some job related issues with my husband and all around lack of planning on my part. We leave Friday at noon and I'm starting to get a little nervous. This will be my first time ever to get on a plane so my anxiety level is at about an 8 out of 10. I'm scared, but nonetheless,  very excited. I can't wait to see my little brother get hitched!
Our resort is an all inclusive package which means all you can eat and drink so here's my forewarning. I do not plan on keeping track of my eating and exercise while im there. I  fully expect to gain some weight, but I'm okay with that because it's not every day you get that type of luxury. I do, however, plan to get back to my routine once we get back. This time I want to start counting calories again (which I haven't done in months), exercise more, and set mini goals each month. Enough of being at a plateau. 
That being said...
It's time I try and fit all my crap into a few pieces of luggage without hitting the 50 lb weight limit on any of them. Challenge accepted.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Letter to my Daddy

In honor of Father's Day having been this past weekend, and today being my dad's birthday, I'm writing him a letter.

First of all I want to wish you a happy birthday and may we have you around for many more years to come.
Thank you for all you've done and continue to do. You have taught me to be a generous person and to lend a hand where it's needed. You are one of the most selfless and giving persons I know.  You are always helping without asking for anything in return. I look up to you for that and for many other traits that you show.
I want to thank you for an amazing childhood. Providing for your family has always been your top priority. Thanks to you and Mom, there was always a hot meal waiting for us when we got home. We always had clothes on our backs, even if it was from secondhand stores.
There's not a stranger you haven't met. I admire your small talk skills and you can make a friend with just about anyone.
Many people are fortunate enough to call you their friend, coworker, brother, uncle, etc. , but I'm blessed to call you Dad.
Forever your princess,

Friday, June 14, 2013

You're Gonna Miss This

Summer is here and although I have Adryan at home all year round, he is getting to the age we can do more things together in public places. He is just getting easier to handle. No more diaper bag to carry around, no more fifteen strap carseats to deal with...you get the idea.
So yesterday we decided we would go to the library. On our way over there, we drove by a monster truck. He was so excited about it, I decided to make a u-turn so he could see it up close. We got off and took a couple of pictures with it and we even got free snowcones from a nearby sponsor tent. We were there a good ten minutes before I decided it was too hot. We got back in the car and headed to the library. We returned some books and got some new ones. Adryan played with some puzzles and colored at an activity table in the kid's section. He even made a couple of friends. And I felt so proud of him cause he drew eyebrows on a picture and the librarian said he was a very observant and bright little three year old. My pride was at a 12 out of 10. The afternoon was pure bliss. We even got home and he cooperated for his nap. I had to do a double take and make sure I had brought the right kid back from the library. No fuss. I even started to think he was over his Terrible Threes stage. Of course I was too quick to think my boy could possible be turning into a well behaved young man because once he woke from his nap it all went downhill. I cleaned up two JuicyJuice messes. One on the kitchen floor and one off the carpet in the living room, he wanted to borrow my phone to play a game and cried until he got his way, then this happened...
Hhe ate one of my birth control pills. I  was freaking OUT! My first instinct was to call Poison Control but I didn't have the number on hand so I just called his pediatrician's office. I spoke to the nurse and she reassured me that it was harmless especially because it was an inactive pill (the white ones). I sighed in relief and used that exact moment to vent about my active day with him. She chuckled and said 'Enjoy him while he's young cause when he grows up you're gonna wish you could go back in time.' This really hit me after I hung up. She was right. Sometimes we get so caught up in the now that we forget the little things in life. These are the things we're gonna look back and laugh at for years to come. So just breath it in and enjoy the moment. Even when you want to pull your hair out.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

If I Could Write A Letter To Me

Linking up for the first time ever today with Holly and Jake. Let's hope I'm doing this right. Writing a letter to my 21 year old self. Even if it was just two years ago. But 2011 was a tough year for me.

Hey there hot momma. I want to just say I'm glad you didn't get the house you were hoping to buy. I know right now you feel a little disappointed and firmly believe the world is out to get you. You feel that nothing ever goes the way you want it. And sometimes you even wonder why other people that dont work as hard for their stuff always seem to get what they want. Just know that a couple of years down the road everything will smooth out. The hubbs will get a much better job and you will finally start seeing that youre able to make bigger improvements on your little fixer upper. Don't try to compete with anyone else. Just focus on your own path to success. Also, I want to bring up Baby #2. Although you feel like you may be ready, God works in mysterious ways. Get ready. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for what's to come in the next month or so. Things happen for a reason...maybe it's just not time yet. Please allow yourself plenty of time after this miscarriage to think things through before you decide you want to try again. Adryan should be your major concern for a while longer. I want to talk about Tio (uncle) Gizmo. I know you know he has been very sick these days and that he has been in and out of the hospital. You should have spent more time with him. His days are numbered and you need to be strong. His passing will be the first time you take anybody's death to heart. You have to learn to let things be and understand God's ways. As for now, hug him tight, cherish every moment that he calls you 'Beautiful' while he is still around. As for your health. I wish you would take action about your weight now and not wait till almost a year later to start making changes. I know that right now you are not even aware that you are in the top percentile of obesity. I know this with all my heart because even now when I look back I can't think of a time you were majorly concerned with getting into shape. You kind of just thought the weight would eventually 'magically disappear. Fortunately, in about a year, you will come to your senses and find out that theres no better way to shed weight than the old fashioned way. Sweat your ass off, eat healthy and don't give up. The saying 'Good things come to those who wait' is total BS. The saying people use now is 'Good things come to those who work their asses off.' I cant wait till you are introduced to health and well being and realize that you have to care for yourself no matter how old you are. I won't spoil it all, just know you are one hot MILF. I know you don't recognize the self esteem but I promise you'll get there. ;) P.S. Too late now, but I wish you would have never been introduced to the Housewives series or Pinterest cause you are hooked, girl! P.S.S Here's a before and after just so you get an idea of how far you have come. You rock my face off! See ya in the mirror, Me