Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Honestly, this morning I was a bit anxious to see the number on the scale. I wanted to know if those little changes here and there have made a diference. Aperantly, I've been doing something that my body is responding positively to. Now, I know my weight fluctuates every now and then but I was pleasantly surprised to see the scale read 223! 3 lbs lighter!! Or that may just mean that the day I weighed myself last week I must have been retaining more water than usual or I may have been bloated ( it WAS that time of the month). Regardless, today's number made me very happy! I hope I can at least maintain the weight during our vacation. I will be happy just as long as the number stays the same cause quite frankly I won't be counting calories or doing  anything diet-y. This girl wants big tall margaritas on the riverwalk and lots of chips, salsa & queso. I've been preparing myself by working out extra hard and sweating twice as much so we will see what my magic number will be next week. For now, I better get to packing our bags! Blog you later bitches!!!!

P.s. this here is a picture of me and my hubby right before I started working out. Told you he was thin...and that I look like a big fat heffer next to him!

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